Big Rig Insurance-The Truck Driver’s Job Perspective.

The Truck Driver’s Perspective on the industry overall.

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It was recognized that there are many interacting factors that may determine a driver’s level of satisfaction with his job, including direct

financial benefits and compensation plans, management attitudes toward business practices, employee relations and morale, safety, training

and support programs, vehicle maintenance, and safety programs.

When asked to identify hallmarks of “good” trucking companies, drivers showed a surprisingly high level of consistency in their responses.

Specifically, when drivers were asked what makes a trucking company “safe,” the following indicators were mentioned:

• The quality and quantity of safety and training programs;

• The level of respect for and compliance with regulations and policies governing CMV operations;

• Maintenance of clean facilities and equipment in good working order; and,

• Recognition of drivers with good safety attitudes and driving records

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Measuring the performance of freight movement across our nation’s highways is critical to understanding where and at what level investment should be made.  The information provided through this effort can empower decision-making in both the private and public sectors by helping stakeholders better understand the severity of congestion and mobility constraints on the U.S. highway transportation system.  This is of particular importance as the nation weighs the needs and resources available for transportation funding.  On a state and local level, this research can inform local investment decisions that can directly improve supply chain efficiency.  This “bottleneck” analysis incorporates and synthesizes several unique components, including a massive database of truck GPS data at freight-significant locations throughout the United States (U.S.), and an algorithm that quantifies the impact of congestion on truck-based freight.  In addition, the annual reports provide a chronological repository of mobility profiles, whereby congestion changes can be assessed over time.  This, in turn, allows transportation analysts and planners to conduct performance bench-marking and identification of influential factors contributing to congestion and the requisite consequences on truck-freight mobility.


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